Monday, July 30, 2012

A Slow and Patient Summer....

It's been awhile since my last post....partly because I had spinal surgery near the end of June and have been in a slow recovery mode ever since! I've had lots of time to gaze out upon the garden, and only recently have been able to walk around it. The Summer has crawled to slow motion in my mind as I watched the roses come and go and then bloom again (thanks to the deadheading done by others!) Now the Lilies are ebbing and the late Summer flowers are starting to emerge.

It is a frustratng thing when you are not able to bend or twist for 3 months! When something drops on the floor or you see a lovely weed that needs to be pulled, you can only call for help! A very frustrating thing indeed...especially when I honestly like to weed and pick up things!! If it's located in the area from my knees to the top of my head I can handle it .... beyond that I am forced to use "the Grabber"! Have you ever tried to move a pile of decaying grass clippings with one of those things!!! With two more screws added to my spinal column ( I already have 18 in my neck from an operation 5 years ago) I am beginning to feel like one of those robotic toys! I know that it just takes a bit of patience and I will soon be able to garden, hike and ride my bike again. My nemesis now is the back brace that needs to be worn whenever I am up and about. I think I know what the Victorian ladies felt like, but this happens to be worn on top of whatever outfit you may be wearing! ( mostly T-shirt and yoga pants)

Thanks to Andreea Ghetie, one of my students who has graciously volunteered in the garden! She also gets a little help from Lucca....who would rather she be playing ball!

But the Summer hasn't all been lost.....we've had quiet times with family and friends around the fountain....and Lucca has learned to walk slowly next to me and not to walk between my legs! He has also enjoyed all the balls that I have thrown to him while I sit on the deck reading or daydreaming of what I could be doing!

A very exciting project also commenced in late June when our large Solar array was built. This was fun for me to see from a distance and finally close up as I was able to negotiate slopes! It is located in a sunny field just below one of our vineyard blocks, and started producing electricity just a week ago! What we don't use goes into the grid. Oregon Summers are normally quite dry and sunny and even our grey Winter days capture enough energy to make solar an efficient system here.

I am now looking forward to seeing the tomatoes ripen, and the beans and squash grow! ( and perhaps designing a solar shade garden under the array?!!)In another month I should be ready for more activity but I am not entirely upset by this time of 'rest' definitely gives you a different perspective and makes you realize how much we take for granted in this world.



Joan Taber said...

This is a lovely blog, and your photographs are stunning.

Linda said...

Thanks Joan.. my garden is the best medicine!